Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday-Day 1

Session 1: Changing Freelance Markets

In this session the speaker discussed the affect the Internet and online journalism has had on the freelance market. He gave tips on how to submit query letters to publications and which publications to target to have the best chance of a response. I thought this sessions was interesting because freelancing is something that I'm interested in.

Session 2: Breaking Into Magazines

This session was pretty much a continutation of the first session in that it dealt with freelancing and how to establish yourself as a regular contributor to magazines. I thought this session was more helpful than the first because the speaker had handouts discussing different types of publication contracts, tips for freelance writers and an example of a query letter.

Session 3: Chicken Salad

This was definitely the most entertaining session of the day. The speaker was really energetic and humorous, but was still informative. The topic, design and layout tips, was something I didn't have a lot of experience in, so this session offered the most new material for me.

Session 4: Lifeguards, Tyrants and Survivors: Words of Encouragement for Today's Copy Editors

This was probably the most boring session of the day. The session really didn't offer any new insights into copy editing or what a copy editor does. The speaker mostly discussed the importance of the job and the tension that can occur between reporters and editors. While this was encouraging, it wasn't very engaging.

Session 5: Lesbian and Gay Student Journalists Roundtable

This session was the most informal and unique. Instead of having a speaker lecture to us, everyone gathered around in a circle, introduced themselves and talked about their experiences as gay and lesbian journalisms. A range of topics, from dealing homophobia on campus and coverage of LGBT issues in student media, to administrative attitudes and personal coming out stories were discussed. It was interesting to hear how attitudes towards gay issues and LGBT students varied from campus to campus.

1 comment:

Paula Furr said...


I'm glad you attended the magazine sessions. It's not an area we cover much at all in our program. You're a good writer, so I understand why freelancing interests you. I hope the feature writing class here was of help. Didn't you also take literary journalism?

Part of the educational experience at the conventions is to meet students from other schools and discover the wide range of attitudes and practices. Many of your sessions do sound interesting.

Have you checked with Mrs. Reeves on how everyone can post to the NSU blog site?

Have a safe trip back.
Dr. Furr