Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday Day 3

Session 1: How to Get A Job, Keep A Job

At this session the speaker gave us strategies for how to stand out to potential employers and how to apply those same strategies to keeping a job. He talked about the importance of writing a good cover letter that shows your uniqueness and qualifications, and how crucial it is to develop contacts, which can be extremely helpful in getting a job. He aslo suggested sending a written a thank-you note after every interview, which I had never heard of or thought about. I though this session was informative, and obviously relatable to me since graduation is not far off.

Session 2: 101 Story Ideas

I thought this session was really good, because as a features writer I sometimes have trouble coming up with story ideas or ways to cover a familiar story from a different angle. The speaker gave us a list of ideas of campus stories, from student life and academics, to news events and campus trends, that we could flesh out and turn into stories. She also gave us ways to find stories on our own, such as looking at bulletin boards, Facebook groups, mass e-mails or just by listening to what people are talking about on campus.

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